I underwent the Liposuction treatment (legs inside and arms) on December 14th 2012. I intentionally waited with writing this report till now since I was informed only after a few months from the treatment can one judge the results properly. The friendliness as well as professionalism of the staff in the clinic leaves nothing to wish for – simply great! I felt at home from the moment of the first consult and had a good laugh with the doctor-even during the operation! Not only did he patiently answer all my questions but also made sure I understood the slightest details. He also did his best to influence my expectation management which I appreciate.
The treatment itself was the least pleasant part of the whole process: quite painfull before the injection of the painstillers and quite sensitive after the painstillers have been applied. Still I cannot blame the staff of the clinic for it-it is simply the way it goes. Directly after the treatment I went home and much to my surprise I felt hardly any pain so had no need to take painstillers. The bruises during a few weeks thereafter were quite impressive an thus not pleasant to see but hey, did that really matter?
Within a few weeks they were completely gone. And the result…? Well, I am very happy about the legs: after all those years of hiding them in pants I am now wearing skirts! And believe me – that feels good! I am 85% happy with the arms: I still have the ‘baggy skin’ underneath and must admit I expected a better result after the treatment. But yeah…I went to a gym and they told me that I can help it by…. simply training. And so I will! So if you’re thinking of having liposutcion done my advice would be: don’t expect to become another Cindy Crawford and keep in mind that beauty demands some sacrifice. But it is totally worth it 🙂